Fantasy Springs Resort Casino offers 39 tables with exciting card games, including EZ Baccarat, Ruyi Baccarat, Face-Up Pai Gow Poker Progressive, High Card Flush Poker, Ultimate Texas Hold’em Progressive, Three Card Poker Progressive, Crazy 4 Card Poker Progressive, Bahama Bonus, Double-Up Blackjack, TriLux Progressive on our 6-Deck Blackjack games, and Reveal Roulette. All Blackjack and Double Deck games are machine shuffled and dealt out of a shoe, with odds of 3 to 2 on all games. Players can join the fun by entering one of our many table game tournaments held throughout the year.

Must be 21 to gamble in the casino.

Fantasy Springs Resort Casino offers 39 tables with exciting card games, including EZ Baccarat, Ruyi Baccarat, Face-Up Pai Gow Poker Progressive, High Card Flush Poker, Ultimate Texas Hold’em Progressive, Three Card Poker Progressive, Crazy 4 Card Poker Progressive, Bahama Bonus, Double-Up Blackjack, TriLux Progressive on our 6-Deck Blackjack games, and Reveal Roulette. All Blackjack and Double Deck games are machine shuffled and dealt out of a shoe, with odds of 3 to 2 on all games. Players can join the fun by entering one of our many table game tournaments held throughout the year.

Must be 21 to gamble in the casino.